However, the Zerg target the Terrans for assimilation to harness their psionic potential, forcing the Protoss to destroy tainted Terran colonies to contain the Zerg infestation. Intrigued by the behavior and mentality of the Terrans, the Protoss remain hidden to examine the humans, while protecting them from other threats without their knowledge. Out of contact with Earth, they form various factions to maintain their interests. However, the computers automating the colony ships malfunction, propelling the Terran colonists far off course to the edge of Protoss space. Decades before the beginning of StarCraft in 2499, the hardline international government of Earth, the United Earth Directorate (UED), commissions a colonization program as part of a solution to overpopulation. These experiments backfire and the Xel'Naga are largely destroyed by the Zerg. Millennia before any of the events of the games, a species known as the Xel'Naga genetically engineer the Protoss and later the Zerg in attempts to create pure beings. The story focuses on the activities of the three species in a part of the Milky Way known as the Koprulu Sector. Set in the future, on planets far from Earth, it features three races: the human Terrans, the psionic Protoss and the bestial Zerg. Blizzard released an expansion later in 1998, StarCraft: Brood War, commonly acknowledged to have correct many game balance issues and leading the way to its eventual recognition as standard to which all other RTS games are compared to. StarCraft Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Contents 1 Terran Starting Tactics 2 Siege Tank 2.1 The Tank Push 2.2 Protoss Counters 2.3 Terran Counters 2.4 Zerg Counters 3 Lurker Killer 4 Vulture 5 Build Orders 5.1 Terran 5.1.1 Terran Double Rax MnM 5.1.2 Terran Tri-Rax MnM Rush 5.1.
#Starcraft terran Pc#
StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for the PC in 1998 and for the Macintosh in 1999. For the Nintendo 64 game, see StarCraft 64. 1 First Marines 2 AI offensive strategies 3 Heavy reinforcements 4 The final push 5 Alternate strategies 6 Cinematic 4:The Inauguration First Marines Once you have a Barracks, set it to build some Marines and set out on the northeast path with a group of your infantry, the two Tanks, and the Vulture (not Raynor).